
The first step is
to develop a campaign Strategy. A campaign strategy helps to identify
advertising goals. What are we trying to achieve? How can we achieve
our goal? Is our goal realistic? Who can we work with to tap into valuable
information to plan our strategy? What competitors if any have done
what we are trying to achieve? What did they do? Was it effective? How
can we do it better? These are only a few of the questions we would
ask in order to develop an effective campaign strategy. After the strategy
has been developed we would need to design the communication. This is
where the communications design team takes over.
A well-designed
communication begins with a creative concept. Aartvark will ensure that
the time is taken to develop a clear, attention getting creative concept.
Working together with our planners, we will ask the appropriate questions.
What should the communication say? How should it be said? To whom should
it speak? What types of graphics are needed? What type of medium is
appropriate? After we have answered these important questions and others,
our team we will work together to ensure campaign goals are met. A design
strategy is developed, which outlines a process to ensure the communication
be carried out successfully. The Designer, writer and campaign planner
shares responsibility. Through shared responsibility the correct message
is able to reach the right people at the right time, this is the key
to successful communication.